Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Right and Right

Personal theology is a funny thing. My belief system is in a constant upheaval. Which is a good thing. Because it means that I will not allow it to congeal or harden. To form into something, which I must break to change.

World religions. A lot of talk about them all leading to the same God. But do they?
It doesn't feel right, but neither do the alternatives. One authentic God and lots of pseudo-Gods. Or one holy God and lots of evil ones. Or one right God and lots of wrong ones. Is my God right because the culture I grew up in said so? Is it wrong because the culture you grew up in says it is?

Am I the keeper of the flame or a witness to it? Am I the purveyor of the truth or it's distributor? Does my faith have a club with dues or codes or initiation. And if you are not in, you are out?

Does there have to be a right and a wrong? What if we are both right?

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