Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27

Jesus was leaving.

But though He would be gone in person, He was leaving something behind. Something to bridge the gap between when He would leave and when He would return from the tomb. His peace. How precioius! How necessary. When I think of all they would experience. The confrontation in the garden. The trial and subsequent denial. Judas realizing what he had done. The hiding, the fear, the guilt, the remorse, the disillusionment. Then the beatings their Lord suffered and then the crucifixion! Not only did their Master die on that cross, but with Him all the dreams and expectations. I can only imagine how selfish they felt, thinking about themselves when their Lord was dying, but it was difficult not to. Mortal and spiritual survival was at a premium. How wise Jesus was. He had to make them realize that the peace He gave was not tangible, provable. In the darkest times of our lives, there is no proof sometimes that He is there. There is no evidence of His being, but He is there. Working, planning, conforming, and transforming to bring about His will amidst the mess we create. We must not confuse physical comforts and security with the peace Christ offers. Two tall orders follow to the frightened few. And in each, He is stating we are the gatekeepers. We have the strength and ability to keep anxiety and fear from infiltrating and poisoning our lives. But how? By remembering His words. His precious, powerful, energizing words.

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