Friday, December 11, 2009

Signed, Sealed, Delivered - Saved?

I am flaking out

No longer do I hold ranks with the country club mentality of Christendom. I do not believe in once saved, always saved. I guess this is no surprise, I never did. But I did believe in the proverbial "boat to heaven" theory and I had my ticket. What scares me is I am, in fact, seriously contemplating the validity of this form of "salvation"! I used to call down lightening on folks such as I!

Wait a minute... Okay I can continue. I have not been turned into a crispy critter, so let me elaborate.

The things that bugged me in my former life were statements like "the kingdom of heaven is at hand". So much of what I took as the "gospel" in those formative years, I find can just as easily make an argument for the other side. Wait a minute, that is my side - that's a scary thought.

Christ was not one to stand on His laurels. I don't have a problem with inequality in life here or thereafter. I am not a universalist, thinking that God is good and kind and He must want everyone in heaven. I just think Christ came to earth to save us from something. He did not come to box us up, seal us with tape, and mark us "Heaven Bound - Handle with Care".

Perhaps He came to save us from ourselves. The spiritual bondage we are in -PERIOD. The inability to do or even to want to do right. Because we can't even get that right on our own. Even when we restrain ourselves and walk on the right side of "good", we draw the line there. The sins of ommission are given free rein and multiply like rabbits. Self induced piety does that to a person. Been there, done that.

God Saves. That was and is the business He specializes in. Be it Egypt or addiction, He is the one to call.

I am not completely clear on this so again, I state my disclaimer. I am not a theologian, not formally educated in anyway. This opinion is not even set in stone.

I am so happy He is writing on my heart and not something had like tablets. It is much more malleable and edits so beautifully.


  1. I think when we relegate everything that God is doing now into something heaven-bound, it has this strange sort of numbing effect on the now. Things that are quite hellish can seem not as bad as they are because hell is coming after all. And the same with things that are good and wonderful. It is a strange sort of an effect, I find.

  2. Hmmm...I had never thought about that. It throws a totally new light on the here and now. And the then and when.....Thanks so much for that thought.
    Gives me something to "chew on" for awhile. Your blog does the same thing. Love it!
