That I may be reasonably
Happy in this life
And supremely happy
With Him forever in the next.
So how does that work?
Who do you know that has gotten on his hands and knees and asked God for reasonable happiness. The movie is called "It's a Wonderful Life", not "It's an OK Life".
No one buys a lotto ticket to get a few dollars. Noooo, you want the 40 million, please. So what is up with this word reasonably. Within reason. Whose reason? Not my reason. My reason far exceeds my means in all cases and I want to be rip roaringly happy.
I once heard a local celebrity talk before a group once. He said that everything he thought he wanted to achieve, was never enough. There was one more thing, one more item that would bring that total happiness. But that next item still left him wanting.
I think in my own life, as I grow wiser, I grow less excited about more. In fact simplicity is looking more and more attractive. When I was younger and poorer, I used to have one good pair of black slacks or one pair of blue jeans. I always knew where they were. I kept up with them because they were all I had. Now I have a closet full of clothes and I can never find the one piece Iwant. Why? Because, individually, they are not that important. If I lose one, I have another one. If I can find it.
I look at all the things that are really important to me and I realize when I am gone, they will cease to be important. Unless there is monetary value, my kids and grandkids will not even realize how important it was to me. And even if they do, even out of respect for me, it can never mean as much to them as it did to me.
Lusting for the next thing, means the present thing is not what I want. Reasonably happy is sounding better and better each time I hear it.
And being reasonably happy, makes me peaceful. Makes me appreciate the now and not pine for the future. Not see everything in shades of "could have been's" or "what if's". And if I obtain reasonable happiness, won't heaven in contrast, be blow your socks off, top of the mountain, better than best?
And being reasonably happy, makes me peaceful. Makes me appreciate the now and not pine for the future. Not see everything in shades of "could have been's" or "what if's". And if I obtain reasonable happiness, won't heaven in contrast, be blow your socks off, top of the mountain, better than best?
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