Monday, June 29, 2009


This week I had the opportunity of watching kids play. Being a grandparent, it is something I enjoy more than I ever have before. The interaction, the smiles, the frowns, even the fights. All part of becoming a part. This morning, I was listening to a popular "mix" channel on the radio. I don't know if it was a set for one specific artist, but the message was hopelessness. The message that hit me most was dying is a second chance. As I thought about that, I saw those kids in my mind. I realized that relationship is being lost in our world. I don't mean that in a bad way, because there are so many wonderful things being done with technology. Facebook, My Space - get slammed by the media on a daily basis. But in a way, people are connecting, if in a distant way. It seeems to me that we are living on a frontier. Where we are separated not by vast miles of prairie and mountains, but things just as dividing. Our schedules, our energy levels, our jobs - everything separates us from those we love and those we want to love. I can literally retreat from the world and through technology create an entire world in which to live. But maybe that is the down side. I can be who I want to be, but am I being who He made me to be. I need time to play. Somehow, to carve out the moments of doing nothing. Strange idea, making time for nothing. For silence, for play, for mindlessness. Weird, huh

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