Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Seeing the Hem of God

I have been very uneasy with the passages in scripture regarding Jesus "cleansing" the temple. I have heard folks use those words to promote activism, call me to righteous holiness, or ritual cleansing. But they have never been what I would call "comfortable". Now that I have realized, "comfort" is not what God is after, most of the time, I have pulled it out to study a bit.

In my world of questions, I have one for you. What if the incident was not Jesus letting go, but Jesus not able to fully contain the Divine within? As much as we would like to, we cannot dismiss the omnipotent, angry, jealous side of God. I cannot imagine how He must have felt seeing, through Jesus' eyes, the defilement of the Holy Place. The place He had built, through human hands, to house His heart. Where the people might come to meet and love Him.

The more I think about it, I am thinking maybe the fury we saw in Jesus was His attempt to hold God back. As close as God is to me, maybe I must learn to respect that side of Him that knows no bounds. His love is easy - the other? Not quite so much.

Jesus was the containment for the boundless-ness of God. In so many more ways than one.

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